Celebrate World Immunization Week, 24-30 April 2024

This World Immunization Week, the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) recognizes the life-saving power of vaccines and the dedication of vaccine champions who are committed to protecting every child from vaccine-preventable diseases – from health workers and social mobilizers to government leaders and donors. Their work has gotten us 99.9% of the way to a polio-free world, and with renewed commitment we can stop the virus for good.

Join us as we celebrate progress in immunization and call for continued action to reach every child and create a polio-free world by sharing the content below across your social media channels. 

Relevant Handles and Hashtags

Primary hashtags:

  • #EndPolio
  • #MakePolioHistory
  • #HumanlyPossible
  • #WorldImmunizationWeek

Secondary hashtags:

  • #AVW2024 (African Vaccination Week)
  • #VaccinesWork

General social content to celebrate World Immunization Week

Ever wonder who’s behind the scenes, ensuring vaccines reach every child?   

Ending polio is a global effort featuring many partners, governments, & donors – but health workers make this goal #HumanlyPossible. This #WorldImmunizationWeek, let’s honor their dedication & compassion!  [Insert Polio Workers Impact GIF]

Every year, vaccine-preventable diseases like polio put countless children at risk.  

This #WorldImmunizationWeek, we say thank you to the health workers who tirelessly strive to reach every last child. Your commitment continues to pave the way to a healthier future for all!  [Insert Polio Workers Impact GIF]

The path to polio eradication has been one of the largest collective global health missions ever.
A polio-free world is #HumanlyPossible, and with the finish line in sight, we want to thank everyone who is helping to #MakePolioHistory

 [Insert Thank You GIF]

Every action counts in creating a healthier future – from parent to policymaker. 

This #WorldImmunizationWeek, let’s continue working together to ensure everyone can access essential vaccines. Together we can protect communities, save lives, and #EndPolio. 💉🌍
[Insert Thank You GIF]

🤔 Why do we believe #VaccinesWork?

💡Because thanks to vaccines, we have gone from wild polio cases in 125 countries in 1988 to just 2️⃣ countries today. #EndPolio #WorldImmunizationWeek

[Include Countries Animated Factoid]

Nigeria worked hard to eradicate wild polio from its borders 🇳🇬 Now, thanks to a new vaccine – nOPV2 – it’s making immense strides in eliminating variant polio too.

➡️Learn more about Nigeria’s extraordinary #EndPolio success story:

[Include nOPV2 Animated Factoid]

Every year, @Rotary and partners work together to immunize 400 million children against polio, bringing us closer to a world free from this preventable disease. Together, we’re not just saving lives, we’re writing history. #EndPolio #WorldImmunizationWeek

[Include Immunization Animated Factoid]

Without Dr. Jonas Salk’s inactivated polio vaccine, we could not have achieved all we have in the fight to #EndPolio. Now, Dr. Peter Salk is carrying on his father’s legacy.

🎧Listen to the latest episode of the @Rotary Voices podcast to learn about this extraordinary family.

[Include Vaccine Podcast Clip]

Everyone, everywhere should be vaccinated against polio.
Two polio survivors and a @UNICEF officer on the frontlines of efforts to #EndPolio share their stories of resilience and hope. Read their inspiring journeys here: https://bit.ly/44ix3Fv

Together, we have the opportunity to end polio for good. @CDCgov and partners are working to ensure that no child, anywhere in the world, is paralyzed by #polio again. Here’s how: http://www.cdc.gov/polio 

#WorldImmunizationWeek #VaccinesWork #HumanlyPossible

Digital Content

Recognize partners and donors for their continued support

Thanks to longstanding advocacy and donor support from @SaudiMOH & @KSRelief_EN, we are closer than ever to a polio-free world. This week’s landmark new funding will help reach 370 million children annually with vaccines and #MakePolioHistory. [Include KSA Thank You Graphic

Quickly detecting outbreaks🔎 and delivering polio vaccines💉are only #HumanlyPossible because of support from donors and advocates around the world. Thank you 🇸🇦 @KSRelief_EN & @SaudiMOH for helping #EndPolio and bringing us closer to a healthier planet. [Include KSA Thank You Graphic

This year marks 50 years of @isdb_group: five decades of fighting poverty, making lasting contributions to #EndPolio, and mobilizing billions of dollars across dozens of projects in over 20 countries. We thank you for your ongoing support! [Include GPEI’s IsDB 50th GIF]

By investing in polio infrastructure ‍‍🏥, staff 👩🏽‍⚕️, and innovations 🛠 , @isdb_group has been building a healthier world for decades. Thank you for helping strengthen health systems across the region and beyond to #EndPolio for good. [Include GPEI’s IsDB 50th GIF]

For decades, the UAE has made monumental contributions to the fight against polio, not only through donations but as a global convener and dedicated advocate. We thank the country and @MohamedBinZayed for this continued support on the path to #MakePolioHistory!  [Include GPEI UAE GIF]

India’s journey to becoming polio-free is a testament to what strong vaccination efforts can achieve. Now, we must apply those lessons globally, so every child has a shot at a healthy life. @mindadentler #EndPolio #VaccinesWork 
Read more here: https://bit.ly/3xB5laq    

Amplify the new #HumanlyPossible campaign

Visit the website for more information on the campaign and ways to get involved.

Immunization has saved six lives a minute. Every minute. For five decades.

Let’s not stop now. Speak up and tell leaders it’s time for immunization for all.

Let’s show the world what’s #HumanlyPossible. [Insert Humanly Possible Graphic 04]

Vaccines save lives and build futures.

Together we’ve protected millions of children. But millions still miss out. Let’s not let them down. Speak up and tell your leaders it’s time for immunization for all.

It’s time to show the world what’s #HumanlyPossible. [Insert Humanly Possible Graphic 11]

We’ve defeated smallpox. Now imagine a future without polio.

This #WorldImmunizationWeek, we’re calling on world leaders to prioritize investment in vaccines in 2024 to #MakePolioHistory and show what’s #HumanlyPossible. [Insert Humanly Possible Graphic 24]

Celebrate Africa Vaccination Week!

A polio-free world is #HumanlyPossible!

We are 99.9% there.

This #AfricaVaccinationWeek, let’s pledge to reach every last child with life-saving vaccines to #MakePolioHistory. [Insert Africa Polio Eradication Video]

It’s Africa Vaccination Week!  

Join us in raising awareness on the lifesaving power of vaccines & its outcomes in the African Region. 

Spread the word:  

✅ Vaccines save lives  

✅ Immunization protects communities 

[Insert Africa Vaccination Week Graphic]

The African Region has made progress to #MakePolioHistory & we are on the threshold of polio eradication. 

As we mark this African Vaccination Week, let us remember that we have polio cornered. #VaccinesWork 
[Insert Progress in Africa Graphic]

In the final push to #EndPolio, complacency isn’t an option. Currently, 25 African countries are facing variant polio outbreaks. @WHOAFRO is on the front lines, enhancing population immunity and strengthening surveillance with innovative tools to track every polio alert.
[Insert Country Support Graphic]


It’s been three years since Africa was certified as wild polio-free. Look at the progress we’ve made!  

We are closer than ever to a 🌍 without polio, thanks to the life-saving power of vaccines. 

[Insert Vaccine Protection Graphic]

Share content from WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region

In the @WHOEMRO Region, the polio eradication programme has pivoted to stand by the countries they serve, to protect them from diseases and emergencies during their time of need. 
[Insert WHO EMRO Country Support Video]

It’s #HumanlyPossible to #MakePolioHistory when partners join hands and integrate efforts and services to #reacheverylastchild wherever they are. 
[Insert WHO EMRO Integration Graphic]

For the last three decades, the resilient and robust polio programme has been strengthening assets and health systems in fragile contexts in the @WHOEMRO Region, to create a conducive environment to reach #everylastchild with polio and other vaccines
[Insert WHO EMRO Health Systems Video]

One step at a time, health workers are helping protect children in Yemen from the dangers of polio—including with a new vaccine. Find out how support from @WHOYemen is making progress possible: https://bit.ly/4404eNQ  [Include Yemen nOPV2 GIF]

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