Take Action
Raise your voice and join the Make Polio History campaign!
We’re calling on leaders of polio-affected countries, donors and partners to seize the historic opportunity we have to deliver a polio-free world. Together, we will make history and end polio!
Here’s how to get involved
Read this page in French
Record a Video
Please record a 30-second video of yourself using the highlighted script below. Please film your video horizontally with clear lighting and sound. Feel free to use a background of your choice – from your home, an office, or even outdoors! See an example video here.
- Tell us what win for humanity has inspired you the most using the following sentence:
- “For me, [YOUR ANSWER HERE] was one of the biggest wins for humanity.”
Examples include: the invention of electricity, the discovery of penicillin, the first female head of state in my country
- “For me, [YOUR ANSWER HERE] was one of the biggest wins for humanity.”
- Then, say these lines to help connect this win to polio eradication:
- “Achieving this wasn’t easy, but making history never is.”
- “We have the chance to achieve another big win – the eradication of polio.”
- “It won’t be easy, but we have the tools to ensure no child is paralyzed by polio again.”
- “Together, let’s make history and end polio today.”
- Dites-nous quelle victoire pour l’humanité vous a le plus inspiré ? Utilisez la phrase suivante :
- « Pour moi, [VOTRE RÉPONSE ICI] a été l’une des plus grandes victoires pour l’humanité. » Voici quelques exemples: la découverte de la pénicilline ; la première femme élue à la tête de mon pays.
- Après, reliez cette victoire à la poliomyélite en ajoutant :
- « Il n’a pas été facile d’y parvenir, mais écrire l’histoire ne l’est jamais »
- « Nous avons l’occasion de remporter une autre victoire importante pour l’humanité en éradiquant la polio. »
- « Ce ne sera pas facile, mais nous avons les outils pour veiller à ce qu’aucun enfant ne soit plus jamais paralysé par la polio. »
- « Ensemble, nous pouvons écrire l’histoire et éradiquer la polio dès aujourd’hui. »
صوِّر فيديو مدته 30 ثانية بحلول يوم الاثنين الموافق لـ 14 أغسطس باستخدام النص المميز الموضح أدناه. يُرجى تصوير الفيديو أفقيًا مع إضاءة وصوت واضحين. يُمكنك استخدام أي خلفية – من منزلك أو مكتبك أو حتى في الهواء الطلق! يمكنك مشاهدة هذا المثال.
- أخبرنا بما هو الانتصار الذي ألهمك أكثر من غيره من تاريخ البشرية باستخدام الجملة التالية:
- “بالنسبة لي، [أجابتك هنا] كان ذلك أحد أكبر انتصارات البشرية.”
مثال: اختراع الكهرباء، اكتشاف البنسلين، أول رئيسة للدولة في بلدي.
- “بالنسبة لي، [أجابتك هنا] كان ذلك أحد أكبر انتصارات البشرية.”
- ثم قل هذه الجمل لربط هذا الانتصار بالقضاء على شلل الأطفال:
- “تحقيق هذا لم يكن سهلاً، ولكن صنع التاريخ أمر ليس بالسهل.”
- “لدينا فرصة لتحقيق انتصار آخر كبير – القضاء على شلل الأطفال.”
- “لن يكون الأمر سهلاً، لكن لدينا الأدوات اللازمة لضمان عدم شل أي طفل بسبب شلل الأطفال مرة أخرى.”
- “معًا، لنصنع التاريخ وننهي شلل الأطفال اليوم.”
- أخبرنا بما هو الانتصار الذي ألهمك أكثر من غيره من تاريخ البشرية باستخدام الجملة التالية:
د دوشنبې اګست تر ۱۴مې پورې لاندې متن ته په کتلو یوه دېرش ثانیې ویډیو ثبت کړئ. لطفا خپله ویډیو په افقي ډول په سمه رڼا او له سم غږ سره ثبت کړئ. هر ډول بکګراونډ کارولی شئ، له کور نیولې تر دفتر او حتی بهرني چاپېریال پورې. دلته یې بېلګه وګورئ.
- موږ ته په لاندې جمله کې ووایئ چې د بشریت کومه بریا تاسو ته الهام بښوونکې ده:
- “زما لپاره (ستاسو بېلګه) د بشریت یوه تر ټولو ستره بریا ده.”
داسې بېلګې: د برېښنا اختراع، د پنسلین درمل جوړېدا، زما هېواد کې لومړۍ مېرمن چې ولسمشره/لومړۍ وزیره شوه.
- “زما لپاره (ستاسو بېلګه) د بشریت یوه تر ټولو ستره بریا ده.”
- بیا، لاندې جملې ولولئ او دا بریا د پولیو له منځه وړلو سره یو ځای کړئ:
- “د دې ترلاسه کول اسانه نه وو، خو د تاریخ لیکل هېڅکله اسانه نه دي.”
- “موږ فرصت لرو د بشریت لپاره یوه بله بریا ثبت کړو – د پولیو له منځه وړل”
- “دا به اسانه نه وي، خو موږ هر څه لرو چې بیا هیڅکله کوم ماشوم له پولیو فلج نشي.”
- “یو ځای، راځئ تاریخ بدل کړو او پولیو ته د پای ټکی کېږدو.”
- موږ ته په لاندې جمله کې ووایئ چې د بشریت کومه بریا تاسو ته الهام بښوونکې ده:
ریکارڈ کریں۔
براہ کرم واضح روشنی اور آواز کے ساتھ اپنی ویڈیو کو افقی طور پر فلمائیں۔ اپنے گھر ، دفتر ، یا باہر کسی بھی پس منظر کا استعمال کریں۔
- ہمیں بتائیں کہ انسانیت کے لیے کس کامیابی نے آپ کو درج ذیل جملے کا استعمال کرتے ہوئے سب سے زیادہ متاثر کیا ہے:
- “میرے لیے، [یہاں آپ کا جواب] انسانیت کے لیے سب سے بڑی کامیابی میں سے ایک تھی۔”
مثالوں میں شامل ہیں: بجلی کی ایجاد، پینسلین کی دریافت، میرے ملک کی پہلی خاتون سربراہ مملکت, ذیلی دو گھنٹے کی میراتھن کو توڑنا
- “میرے لیے، [یہاں آپ کا جواب] انسانیت کے لیے سب سے بڑی کامیابی میں سے ایک تھی۔”
- پھر، اس کامیابی کو انسداد پولیو سے جوڑنے میں مدد کے لیے یہ سطور کہیں۔
- “یہ حاصل کرنا ہرگز آسان نہ تھا، لیکن تاریخ رقم کرنا کون سا آسان ہے ۔“
- “پولیو کا خاتمہ کرکے ہمارے پاس ایک اور بڑی کامیابی حاصل کرنے کا موقع ہے ۔”
- “یہ آسان نہیں ہوگا، لیکن ہمارے پاس اس بات کو یقینی بنانے کے لیے اسباب موجود ہیں کہ کوئی بچہ دوبارہ پولیو سے مفلوج نہ ہو۔”
- “آئیں مل کر تاریخ بنائیں اور آج پولیو کا خاتمہ کریں۔“
- ہمیں بتائیں کہ انسانیت کے لیے کس کامیابی نے آپ کو درج ذیل جملے کا استعمال کرتے ہوئے سب سے زیادہ متاثر کیا ہے:
If you have any trouble submitting your video, please email us at poliogcg@globalhealthstrategies.com
Share on Social Media
Make sure to use the #MakePolioHistory and #EndPolio hashtags so we can see your posts!
Celebrate World Polio Day on 24 October!
Share the final Make Polio History campaign materials:
This month, people from over 30 countries joined the #MakePolioHistory campaign. Today on #WorldPolioDay, leaders from @Rotary, @WHO, @UNICEF, @gatesfoundation, @gavi and @CDCGlobal echo their call for a polio-free world. [insert POB video]
From harnessing electricity to the eradication of smallpox, humanity has achieved a lot. But why stop there? Let’s add another “big win” to this list and #MakePolioHistory. [WPD graphic]
Scientists, researchers and polio eradication champions from all over the world have made their message clear this World Polio Day: we can and must stop polio. It won’t be easy, but making history never is. Leaders from the polio program agree that with the right commitments from donors, partners and governments across the globe, we can deliver a healthier future for kids everywhere and #MakePolioHistory. [insert POB video]
The discovery of electromagnetism. The eradication of smallpox. The cracking of the genetic code. Humankind has achieved so much in our long history. But why stop now? Let’s come together and add one more big win to this list: the eradication of polio. We have the tools, the knowledge and the experience, so let’s make our mark and #MakePolioHistory. [WPD graphic]
Amplify more World Polio Day content:
[Insert quote card] Africa is stepping up access to high-quality laboratory data for polio eradication! This #WorldPolioDay, @WHOAFRO teams continue to train regional data managers & health professionals to ensure high quality laboratory data when carrying out genetic sequencing & direct detection.
[Insert quote card] .@WHOAFRO is supporting countries in Africa to respond to #polio outbreaks. 54 supplementary immunization activities (SIAs) were conducted in the last 12 months, with over 122 M children vaccinated with at least one dose of polio vaccine. #VaccinesWork
Think polio is a thing of the past? Not quite, but it will be. Join us this #WorldPolioDay so that together, we can #MakePolioHistory. endpol.io/wpd
[Insert CDC graphic] 35 years ago, wild polio was present in 125 countries – paralyzing 1,000+ children per day. Today, it’s only present in 2. Time to #MakePolioHistory. #WorldPolioDay
[Retweet Andrew Mitchell] This #WorldPolioDay, let’s thank all of the female health workers who are playing an essential role to #MakePolioHistory.
[Insert UNICEF GIF] Along with efforts to #EndPolio, the program remains committed to delivering other health services to vulnerable children and families. #MakePolioHistory #WorldPolioDay
[Retweet WHO Polio Director]: This #WorldPolioDay we celebrate the health workers who are committed to reaching every child with a polio vaccine and delivering a polio-free world #MakePolioHistory
Check out more content from GPEI partners in the toolkits below!
Join the weekly countdown to World Polio Day
Join eradication champions online by sharing weekly content from the Make Polio History campaign on your social channels as we count down to World Polio Day on 24 October.
Follow @EndPolioNow on social to stay up to date this month.
The moon landing 🧑🚀
The discovery of penicillin 💊
The invention of electricity 💡
None of these achievements were easy but creating a better 🌍 never is. Join the #MakePolioHistory campaign to add ‘the eradication of polio’ to that list #EndPolio. https://makepoliohistory.org/ [share campaign video]
Join me and polio eradication supporters around the world in the Make Polio History campaign! Let’s raise our voices to let global leaders know that we can and must end polio for good. https://makepoliohistory.org/ [share your video, the launch GIF or campaign video]
Retweet or share videos from polio champions who you may recognize from the thread at @EndPolioNow
We can’t #MakePolioHistory alone—but we can do it together. Join me and polio eradication champions from all over the world in this campaign to #EndPolio for good! https://makepoliohistory.org/ [Share “All Together” Graphic]
Around the world, a chorus of support is rising to #MakePolioHistory. We have the tools, we have the knowledge, and we have the experience to get it done. But only together can we deliver a healthier, polio-free future for children everywhere. https://makepoliohistory.org/ [Share “All Together” Graphic]
Retweet or share videos from some of the experts that led the Scientific Declaration on Polio Eradication from the thread at @EndPolioNow
Last year, more than 3,200 scientists, physicians, and public health experts from 120 countries signed the 2022 Scientific Declaration on Polio Eradication. Now, they are raising their voices again to tell the world that we can and must #MakePolioHistory.
[Share scientists compilation video]
Scientists, physicians, and public health experts around the world know that we have the tools and knowledge to add “the eradication of polio” to the list of humanity’s greatest wins. They also know it won’t be easy, but together, we will #EndPolio for good. #MakePolioHistory [Share scientists compilation video]
- The tools we need to #MakePolioHistory are already in hand. As @worenst, who co-led the Scientific Declaration on Polio Eradication last year, writes in his recent piece for @ghn_news, “we can’t stop now.” #EndPolio https://globalhealthnow.org/2023-08/polio-eradication-through-innovation
- Last year, scientists, physicians, and public health experts came together to sign the 2022 Scientific Declaration on Polio Eradication, showing the world that eradication is still possible and needed now ❗ Join them today to #MakePolioHistory poliodeclaration.org/
- Retweet @EndPolioNow: An inspiring reminder of *everyone* who has fought, and continues to fight, for a polio-free world. #EndPolio #MakePolioHistory
- [Insert CDC graphic] Let’s make polio—like these outfits—history. #MakePolioHistory
- [Share WHO AFRO web story] #DYK how teams in @WHOAFRO make sure children are vaccinated against #polio? With smartphones 📱! Congo 🇨🇬 is pioneering the use of geo-tracking systems to determine areas that vaccinators need to visit so that every last child is protected ➡️ https://www.afro.who.int/photo-story/geo-tracking-system-enhances-polio-response-congo
- [Insert UNICEF GIF] From laboratories to parliaments to communities, women are leading the effort to #MakePolioHistory!
Polio eradicators are superheroes 🦸! Together we will overcome every obstacle to reach every child with polio vaccines and #MakePolioHistory. [insert superheroes graphic]
Every day, health workers cross rivers, climb mountains, and traverse deserts to reach every last child with polio vaccines. They’re not just heroes—they’re superheroes! Thanks to their dedicated efforts, we’re on the brink of making polio history. Learn more and raise your voice in support of this critical goal for humanity at makepoliohistory.org. [insert superheroes graphic]
- Help the WHO African Region thank their partners in polio eradication and celebrate other eradication heroes!
- [WHO AFRO video] No hurdle is too high for the polio eradicators in @WHOAFRO! Their dedication will help #MakePolioHistory. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9BRUMsbg_A
- [Rotary graphic] Women are leading the effort every single day to #MakePolioHistory. Their unique relationships, experiences and abilities are helping #EndPolio to build a healthier future for kids in Pakistan and around the world!
- [Telegraph op-ed] Long-time eradication advocate @SaniaNishtar explains how vaccines (like for polio) can protect against decades of lost progress when the worst disasters hit as the Earth becomes hotter. #MakePolioHistory #EndPolio https://www.telegraph.co.uk/global-health/science-and-disease/climate-crisis-vaccines-disease-floods-storms-pakistan/
- [UNICEF Women Polio Workers video] “Together, we can end polio in Nigeria, Africa and the world.” Hear from the inspiring women leading their communities to a polio-free future. #MakePolioHistory https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OgCpRqFKlc
- [UNICEF broader benefits GIF] “Beyond the two drops” that protect children and will help #MakePolioHistory, eradicators link 🔗 even the hardest to reach communities to other essential health services. #EndPolio
- [Retweet: Polio workers going the extra mile] No 🌊, ⛰️ or 🏜️ can stop heroic polio workers in their effort to reach every last child with polio vaccines! Thanks to them, we can #MakePolioHistory today.
- [EIB Leadership Photo] We’re closer than ever to eradicating the 2nd human disease in history: polio. Through a new #InnovativeFinance partnership to #MakePolioHistory & strengthen health systems, @EU_Commission, @EIB, @gatesfoundation, @WHO & @UNICEF show us what’s possible through collaboration.
Sign the Scientific Declaration on Polio

Launched in October 2022, the Scientific Declaration on Polio Eradication sends a powerful message from experts around the world about the urgent need to end polio everywhere.
Today, we’re once again asking all scientists, clinicians and public health experts to join the movement.